Aarambh – Pay After Placement Program

What is Pay After Placement (PAP) Program?

AARAMBH is a unique Pay After Placement program designed to help freshers launch their careers in DevOps and Cloud Computing. Our Income Share Agreement (ISA) ensures you only pay when you get placed with a minimum package of 3 LPA.

How Does the Income Share Agreement (ISA) Work?

  • Legal Document: The PAP Agreement is a legal contract that allows an institution to earn only when the student gets placed.

  • Minimum Commitment: Minimum package commitment of 3 LPA. You only pay if you get placed above the threshold CTC.

  • Tenure: If you do not get placed within 1 year of course completion, your learning with GRRAS is completely free.

What Do Our Students Learn?

Our Comprehensive Training Includes:

  • Training in: Linux, AWS, Ansible, Terraform, Docker & Containers, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Git, Nagios (Monitoring Tools) with complete practical procedures.

  • Technologies Covered: 9+ technologies in 6 months

  • Real-Time Projects: Real-time working and project completion.

  • Assessments: Weekly assessments and monthly evaluations for tracking performance.

  • Certifications: Preparation for 5+ global certifications.

  • Live Experience: Exposure to live working in the industry with an internship offered.

  • Job Guarantee: Agreement-based job guarantee.

Meet Your Trainers

How We Will Make You Expert


Course Content

  • Introduction about IT and Demanding Technologies
  • Intro about DevOps & Cloud Computing
  • Intro about tools and technology for DevOps & Cloud Computing
  • Intro about Open Source Technology & Tools
  • Hardware vs Software and How they works together
  • Operating System Intro and Types of OS
  • Installing OS (Linux) on Bare Metal, Virtual Machine, & Cloud
  • Basics of Operating System and Performing Basic Tasks
  • Understanding of Filesystem and It’s architecture
  • Accessing Linux Machine Remotely & Physically
  • Understanding CLI & GUI & Managing Linux via CLI
  • Shell Basics (Basic Commands, Variables, I/O Redirection)
  • Getting Help in Shell

  • Understanding Authentication, Authorization & Auditing
  • User creation and Management
  • Configuring Permission to restrict access (Basic Permission, Special Permission, ACL, Attributes)
  • Understanding Process Management & Monitoring System activity via GUI and CLI with different-2 tools (ps, top, htop, vmstat, iostat)
  • Understating rpm packages and Repository concepts in Linux
  • Installing software and patching updates
  • Service Management & Configuration using systemctl
  • Understating Networking like how computer communicates with each other
  • Understating IP addresses, Protocols, Server-Client Model, TCP/IP Model
  • Configuring IP address via GUI & CLI and Troubleshooting Network Issues
  • Understanding Storage Management & Configuring Partitions using fdisk and Parted command
  • Configuring swap partition, LVM Partition, Thin Provisioning, VDO and Stratis along with understanding fstab file
  • Creating shell script to automation system administration tasks
  • Scheduling tasks using cronjob & anacron
  • Understanding Log Management & Audit system using different-2 tools like auditctl and journalctl command
  • Taking Backup using backup tools and remote data transfer
  • Understanding Encryption & SSH and how ssh uses encryption to secure shell access
  • Configuring secure login using password less authentication and SSH Hardening
  • Understating Boot Process and Troubleshooting boot issues, reset root password
  • Understanding run level and target
  • Performance Tunning using static tunning profiles

  • Domain Name System (Nameserver using Bind)
  • Understanding Application Deployment and WebHosting
  • Configure WebServer & Deploy Application and Host Website (httpd, nginx)
  • DataBase Server (MySql, Mariadb)
  • Mail Server (Postfix, Dovecot, Squirrelmail)
  • NFS Server
  • FTP & SFTP Server
  • SSH Server (OpenSSH)
  • Storage Server using ISCSI
  • Network Security using Firewall (firewalld, iptables)
  • Selinux
  • Server Hardening
  • Performance Tunning

  • Understanding Automation
  • Intro about Ansible and Installation of Ansible
  • Automate administrative task using adhoc command
  • Understanding playbook and automating complex administrative tasks using playbook
  • Understanding and using variables, secrets and facts
  • Implementing task control using loop and conditionals
  • Using handlers and handling errors
  • Understanding jinja2 template and manage configuration with jinja2 template
  • Editing configuration file using file management modules
  • Managing large projects with dynamic inventories and implementing parallelism
  • Include and import tasks in playbook
  • Understanding roles, role creation, and deploy application role using ansible galaxy roles
  • Troubleshooting ansible playbooks and hosts

  • Understanding virtualization technology, types of virtualizations and need of virtualization in industry
  • Understanding Datacenter concept
  • Implement virtualization technology using hypervisor for creating virtual resources (Virtual Machines)
  • Creation and Management of Virtual Machine
  • Configuring snapshot of Virtual Machine
  • Understanding Cloud Computing, Types of Cloud and Cloud Providers (AWS, Azure, GCP)

  • On-premises v/s AWS Cloud and Understanding AWS Cloud Architecture
  • Introduction & Manage Amazon Elastic compute cloud
  • Compute Services – EC2
  • Networking Services
  • DNS Services – Route 53
  • VPC Introduction & Configurations
  • S3 & Glacier Storage services
  • Database services
  • Identity Access Management
  • Amazon Cloud Watch Monitoring & Auditing
  • Analytical Services
  • Migration Services
  • Application Services
  • Deployment and Management Services
  • Enterprise Application
  • Disaster and Recovery
  • Business Essentials
  • Troubleshooting

  • Understanding challenges before Containerization
  • Understanding microservices
  • Understanding Bare Metal Deployment, VM Deployment and Deployment in the form of Container
  • What is container and VM v/s Container
  • Benefits of Containerization
  • Introduction about Docker
  • Understanding Docker Architecture and Installing Docker
  • Basic Docker commands and Creating containers and deploy application in the form of container using docker image
  • Understanding Registry and Docker Hub
  • Understanding Docker Images and Image management using Docker registry
  • Understanding Docker file and image creation using Docker Image
  • Understanding Docker Networking and Implement in containers
  • Understanding Docker volume and configure persistent volume for containers
  • Understanding Docker Compose and manage multi-tier application using Docker Compose
  • Intro About Container orchestration (Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos)

  • Intro about Kubernetes and it’s architecture
  • Understanding Kubernetes core components and container orchestration using Kubernetes
  • Setup and configure Production ready Kubernetes cluster with network plugins
  • Performing basic operation using kubectl command
  • Understanding pods and deploying pods using command & Definition file
  • Understanding pod’s architecture and Networking
  • Understanding Deployment strategies (Pod, ReplicationController, ReplicaSet, Deployment, DaemonSet)
  • Deploy application using deployment strategies
  • Understanding labels and selectors and using them on resources
  • Scaling application and limit resources on pods
  • Understanding and managing namespaces
  • Configure permission using RBAC (role and cluster role)
  • Expose application on internet using Services
  • Understanding and using certificate to authenticate on resources
  • Understanding networking in cluster and configure network policies
  • Understanding ingress and implementing in cluster
  • Monitor cluster events and alerts
  • Troubleshooting resources and Cluster
  • Intro about OpenShift Container Platform

  • Introduction to Infrastructure as Code
  • Getting Started with Terraform
  • Terraform Basics
  • Terraform State
  • Working with Terraform
  • Terraform with AWS, Azure, GCP
  • Remote State
  • Terraform Provisioners
  • Terraform Import, Tainting Resources and Debugging
  • Terraform Modules
  • Terraform Functions and Conditional Expressions

  • Introduction about DevOps
  • Challenges before DevOps
  • Understanding DevOps lifecycle
  • Understanding CI/CD
  • Benefits of DevOps

  • Why VCS (version Control System)?
  • VCS tools Distributed VCS
  • What is Git & Why Git?
  • Features Of Git
  • Git Workflow
  • Git Configurations
  • Creating Git Repository and Syncing Repositories
  • Adding Origin
  • Pushing changes & Pulling changes
  • Clone operation Perform, Review & Commit Changes
  • Stacking Unfinished Changes
  • Move, Rename & Delete Operations
  • Tagging Versions In Repository
  • Understanding concepts of code building
  • Building code using maven
  • Automating code building
  • Challenges before Continuous Integration
  • What is Continuous Integration?
  • Benefits of Continuous Integration
  • Tools of Continuous Integration
  • Introduction to Jenkins
  • Configuring Jenkins
  • Build Setup in Jenkins
  • Jenkins Dashboard
  • Creating jobs in Jenkins
  • Configuring Security in Jenkins
  • Plugin Management in Jenkins
  • Notification System
  • Jenkins Maven Integration
  • Jenkins Best Practices
  • What is Continuous Monitoring?
  • Introduction to Nagios
  • Nagios Setup
  • Nagios Plugins
  • Introduction to Events
  • Objects in Nagios
  • Nagios Commands
  • Nagios Notification

  • 5+ live industry projects to deploy production ready application on AWS Cloud using different-2 services
  • 5+ live industry projects to configure and deploy application using DevOps tools like Jenkins for CI/CD pipeline and integration with ansible, terraform, Kubernetes

Terms and Conditions

  • Eligible Candidates: BTech (CS/IT) , BCA, MCA passouts (2023/2024)

  • Age: Less than 24 years

  • Real-Time Projects: Real-time working and project completion.

  • Training Mode: Classes are offline in Jaipur only

  • Training Hours: 4-5 hours of rigorous training with more than 85% attendance required

Our Placed Candidates

Testimonials and Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We ensure thorough counseling and evaluation of candidates' learning ability, communication skills, and passion for the subject before enrollment.

No, this program is available only in Jaipur in offline mode. More details can be obtained via mail, call, or by filling the form.

The commitment depends on your skill set after the evaluation process (10-20 days). We provide jobs in the range of 3 LPA – 12 LPA.

We have been serving quality education for over 16 years. Consult our previous customers, students, and professionals for their experiences.

We prepare candidates thoroughly for interviews and have extensive partnerships and alumni networks to facilitate placements.

Our experience, trainers, resources, and standard operating processes ensure successful placements for our candidates.

Yes, we have tie-ups with many leading companies across the country and in various domains.

Yes, we enroll technical graduates (BTech/BCA/MCA) from the 2023/2024 passouts.

The program is for 12 months. We commit to placing candidates within this period. If not, the course is free as stated.